Thursday, July 4, 2013

6 months of Gratitude: Day 4, 7/4/13 "Freedom"

This afternoon, as I sat on my patio while the boys played with their water table, I looked up toward the sky and this was my view. 
What an amazing sky, right?!?

I love the 4th of July! It's one of my favorite holidays. I have always been a "Team USA" kinda a girl. Don't even get me going about the Olympics! 

So anyway, while sitting outside, watching my babies play, I couldn't help but think about what a blessing it is to be an Americian and how thankful I am for my freedom. My maternal great-grandfathers both fought in WWII; one losing his life for that freedom that I cherish. I've had friends and other family who have joined the military as they were called to serve and protect this country and those who aren't able to help themselves. 

My hope is that people remember what the 4th is all about; not just hot dogs, beer and fireworks. 

What did you do to give thanks today?

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