Saturday, July 6, 2013

6 months of Gratitude: Day 6, 7/6/13 "Leisurely Adult Lunch"

Cheers! I had the opportunity to enjoy an adult beverage with my husband in the middle of the day today. This is a priceless activity when you are the mother of twins. 

While the boys took their afternoon nap (or were supposed to be napping), Justin and I headed into Purcellville to grab some lunch at Magnolia's. We had done this the last time we visited Uncle Dave and Aunt CJ and Justin still talked about how amazing the burger he had was. So we went back and basically recreated our meals. Justin had his smokehouse burger and I enjoyed an amazing poached pear and spinach salad. But the cherry on top was the dessert; Yup, that's right, wine and dessert at lunch! ;-)  

It was great to sit and have quiet time out at a restaurant with my husband. We love our boys and adore the time we spend with them but we cherish these rear moments to be out as a couple. 

When you become a parent, your whole purpose in life changes and of course, so do your relationships. It's work being a parent and its even more work to be a couple. We try to be conscious of when we need these times to be "just us", making sure we are purely defined by our kids. 

Today I'm thankful for adult beverages and couple time with my love. <3

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